Country of Origin: Likely Angola
Year: ca. 1901
Materials: Bone, wood and metal
This species is the Great Kudu, or Tragelaphus strepsiceros. It is the larger of two species and is one of the largest types of antelope native to east and south Africa. The kudu has stripes on the sides of the belly, and male bulls have a long white beard around the chin. Male kudus tend to grow horns between 6-12 months, and majority will end up with two spirals on the horns, though sometimes three are seen.
The horns of the kudu historically and presently make them popular targets for trophy hunters and poachers. These horns are also used to make shofar’s, a Jewish ritual horn. Ronald Harris obtained these horns during his travels to the East African Principate and southern Africa in the early 1900s. It is unclear who killed the animal, likely it was shot by a professional hunter and was eaten before the horns were taken and mounted. Displays of horns and other animal remains are popular in Victorian homes, as animal trophies were signs of travel and adventure.