This incredible exhibit has been the product of many hands and many hours of work. Thank you to the staff of Eldon House, our Museum Coordinator N. Michienzi, Curator Director T. Wittmann, Program Coordinator B. Ardiel, and Historical Interpreters A. DiCecco, G. LaBelle, A. McKenzie, B. Ricciardi, and A. Vouvalidis for their selection of objects.
Thank you to C. Luke whose many years of research at Eldon House has allowed us to put together this exhibit. We would also like to extend our thanks to our Western University Research Assistants K. Kennedy and D. Walls for their time and effort photographing objects as well as writing and formatting descriptions. A special thanks also to J. Plant of MC Spirit Studios and J. O’Neil for allowing us to use their beautiful photos.
And finally, thank you to our partners at Kreadiv House for their design work and expertise in making this massive exhibit accessible to the public. We hope that everyone who views it enjoys it and appreciates the dedication of so many people who have brought this crazy idea to life!