Elephant Table

A grid image of an elephant table. At the top there is a table photographed on an angle. It has elephants on the table legs. In the background there is a pink and yellow rug. Below on the left there is an image of the table top which has deities on the center, around it is floral pattern. On the right there is an image of elephant faces with ivory tusks.
Burmese Elephant Table from the Eldon House collection

Country of Origin: Burma
Year: ca. 1890s
Materials: Wood and ivory

This table was purchased by the Harris Family on their trip to Burma (modern Myanmar) in 1897. Burma had been annexed by the British Empire in the mid 1880s, their annexation was met with hostility. Burma gained independence in 1948.

During their trip to Burma, Milly Harris noted the prevalence of elephants and their use in labour, tourism, and art. This table features elephants on each leg with ivory tusks. The top is decorated with figures from Burmese folklore.